GOD! it has been a terrible day so far...not terrible in the bad sense, terrible in the chaotic, panicky, monotonous, boring and dead sense. so much so that now i have completely no idea as to wat i am supposed to be doing...i think this place is for people to go mad...can you believe it...i had to write a hundred slogans before i was told what i was to write about...i cant believe that such an organisation will be like this...they arnt open to ideas or anything...nuthing that makes them go away from those traditional ideas...they just stick to whats been tried like a thousand times before and works everytime...they don't want to step out and take a risk...make themselves different...so far all my ideas have been rejected with an accompanying snotty look that deems me pitiable...and trust me soo far they havent disappointed me...;p...anyways hopefully i'll be able to change their way of thinking and move them into a positive direction away from their conventions...i just hope i won't get sucked in their quagmire of conventionality...on second thoughts ive resisted so far...i don't think these harmless old fools can hurt my intellectuality...;p lol

This post was written on 9th July, 2007 during my internship stint at an advertising company.


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