The Tale of Time

To make way for the future we have to let go of the past. But so many times we try to make a place for the past in our present and future not realizing that not only is that an impossible feat but also very destructive especially to our future. Even if somehow or the other the past does 'seem' to fit into our present, the reverberating consequences can be felt throughout our future.

As it goes, by saying these wise words or pearls of wisdom, the great men of olden times weren’t throwing a challenge to their future generations to try where they couldn’t succeed. But instead were just giving them advice that it is pointless to try to incorporate your past into your future and to not waste precious time in trying to accomplish the impossible. For not only does it harm your present it also destroys your future by wiping out all the happiness that was stored for you.

Everything is supposed to be in a specific order in this universe; life, death, everything. This has been proven by scientists’ world over that nothing happens randomly and everything has an order. That specific order also applies itself to our past, present and future. They all have their own place in the sequence of time and disturbing the order only disturbs your own well-being.

It is not that we should forget the lessons that our past has taught us or even forget the fun that we had but that we should move on with our life and should not wait for the past to catch up with out present for it never does. Time isn’t a full circle that has no start and no end; it is a straight line that keeps on moving. It very definitely has a start and an end. Our birth into this world is its start and our death marks an end to our life’s time.

All my experiences with time have only taught me that we should make the best of the time that we have today and then just move on to enjoy tomorrow as it comes. Reminiscing about yesterday is nostalgic and fun but stopping your life just to make yesterday come again never works. So live today, remember yesterday and anticipate tomorrow.


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