The Sea Jewels

The multitude of stones glittered like rich jewels, their colors sparkled a rainbow hue, half-buried in the sand, their lights flashing as the setting sun threw its last rays on them. Dragging her feet, leaving behind them the marks of her presence she walked on, undeterred by the coming tide. Soon the waves licked her feet and the stones revealed their complete beauty, peeking from between the froth of the blue waters and glittering with the light the sun bestowed upon them and the wetness of the caressing water. Still she walked on, and into the sea she started her journey. The stones lost their glitter beneath the sapphire blue color of the water and disappeared beneath the onset of the rushing waves. Still she moved on, slipping and sliding yet with a grace that made her look like a sea-nymph or a mermaid going back into the depths of the deep blue sea, with the water welcoming her as a long lost lover, caressing her skin, splashing her with its love. Suddenly, the land fell away from beneath her and the sea transformed from a lover into a vengeful being, enveloping her into a suffocating embrace, pulling her deeper and deeper, away from all that she left it for; as if punishing her. Still she did not struggle nor pull out of the embrace but quietly accepted her due. Slowly she sank beneath the anger and into the calmness in the depth of the sea. As she went down she saw a harsh glitter of light and looked down on her feet. A ray of light had penetrated the depths of that morose blackness and found the stones again. It was the last thing she saw as she closed her eyes and sank to the ocean floor, and the stones kept on glittering harshly, their beauty embedded in the sands of the ocean for all time to come.

This post was written during my 3-days long internship and was the product of immense boredom coupled with a vengeful flight of imagination. It was inspired by my flashy slippers with brightly coloured red and pink stones (my feet were looking especially nice that day under the table :D).


shyte! you wont believe this!!!! but i had a dream last night (the little that i slept) where i was near the sea side and a figure was walking towards the waters!! eerr weird no?

July 14, 2008 at 3:16 AM  

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