The multitude of stones glittered like rich jewels, their colors sparkled a rainbow hue, half-buried in the sand, their lights flashing as the setting sun threw its last rays on them. Dragging her feet, leaving behind them the marks of her presence she walked on, undeterred by the coming tide. Soon the waves licked her feet and the stones revealed their complete beauty, peeking from between the froth of the blue waters and glittering with the light the sun bestowed upon them and the wetness of the caressing water. Still she walked on, and into the sea she started her journey. The stones lost their glitter beneath the sapphire blue color of the water and disappeared beneath the onset of the rushing waves. Still she moved on, slipping and sliding yet with a grace that made her look like a sea-nymph or a mermaid going back into the depths of the deep blue sea, with the water welcoming her as a long lost lover, caressing her skin, splashing her with its love. Suddenly, the land fell away from beneath her and the sea transformed from a lover into a vengeful being, enveloping her into a suffocating embrace, pulling her deeper and deeper, away from all that she left it for; as if punishing her. Still she did not struggle nor pull out of the embrace but quietly accepted her due. Slowly she sank beneath the anger and into the calmness in the depth of the sea. As she went down she saw a harsh glitter of light and looked down on her feet. A ray of light had penetrated the depths of that morose blackness and found the stones again. It was the last thing she saw as she closed her eyes and sank to the ocean floor, and the stones kept on glittering harshly, their beauty embedded in the sands of the ocean for all time to come.
This post was written during my 3-days long internship and was the product of immense boredom coupled with a vengeful flight of imagination. It was inspired by my flashy slippers with brightly coloured red and pink stones (my feet were looking especially nice that day under the table :D).
listening to "kahin tou" and completely bedazzled by the lyrics and the music of this beautiful song, losing myself in the magic of this soulful number. I'm thinking of sitting in a scenic place where nature calms the tortured soul and the wind blows the worries away and the trees and sky weave a magical moment of their very own. a bouquet of bubbles float across my vision and i look up to see my sister blowing bubbles at me. A bevy of multicoloured bubbles shimmering in the lamplight swirl around me and evoke the very essence of romance in the air. i reach out a hand to touch one of the rainbow-coloured baubles, lost in the fantastical moment, to see if the beauty of this magical moment is captured within its transparent bounds or is it just another chimera. it lands softly on my fingertips. i bring it closer and look inside to see a dream swirling within. a dream full of wishes and fantasies and other magical moments. afraid to burst the bubble i let it go. and it floats away from me as if destined to go on a certain path. i look away unable to see it burst and all those hopes insides shatter with it. i carry with myself just a memory of all those hopes inside the bubble forming an impossible dream. For me the bubble is still floating inside me. my very own little light i can carry with me in the dark.
It's funny how the human mind works. Last evening, I got home, completely convinced that I'm gonna work it out this week only and then leave this stupid hell-hole I've landed myself into. I even slept on these thoughts at 6 a.m. But just a few hours later I woke up in such an optimistic frame of mind that while brushing my teeth I actually considered staying for the whole length of the four week time period and completing this internship. This mood lasted only till I entered my "cabin" (for want of a better word) and saw my poor computer in a yet more mangled condition, with all the wires ripped out of their sockets and the floor a literal wire mesh. I carefully picked my way across like a graceful ballet dancer propelling forward on my toes and stumbling a "few" times in the process (I'm out of practice you see). I placed my huge bag and the measly couple of magazines on the table top and proceeded to glare at the sarak-chap and the button-hole, until they finally decided they had had enough of playing around with the wires and putting their fingers in the power-sockets and the realization dawned on them that they were no electrical engineers and no IT guys just plain old graphic designers (honestly it was really funny, i could almost see the bulbs light up above their heads). After putting my computer back to its mangled position, they sweetly asked me if I would allow them to check their mail. I've never wanted to refuse anyone so badly as I did today but considering that I had to last a week, I took the diplomatic way out: I just turned around and walked out. From the infamous "glass window" I saw them checking something alright: "their orkut" friend's lists!! After like half an hour they were finally done and almost respectfully (and no I'm not being sarcastic...this time) offered me my computer back (as if I would refuse such an offering).
You know one thing I've noticed that all four of them look at me very respectfully! Seriously! And I've figured out the reason as well. Its because i) I've nothing to do with their graphic designing and they've nothing to do with the magazine so they can't show me down or treat me like an internee (:D :D) and ii) I'm the only magazine personnel in this office apart from the boss (and no they don't have another office for the magazine people...they just don't have any magazine people...Period!).
Apart from that I learned a new piece of information about the Gay Lord which he let out quite nonchalantly a few times (make that around ten) since morning. His Highness used to be in theater and knows quite a few people (apparently) whose names he's been flinging around since morning, left, right and centre (and guess what...he knows Omair Rana...OMG!!! *roll eyes* like thats something new!!). *sigh* The modesty of some people.
Ohk i think that's enough cattiness coming from me this morning and I'm really out of anecdotes to narrate apart from the occasional whine coming from the otherside of the glass window: "yaar sardi lag rahi hai!" Honestly how you can feel cold when the lights are out and the split is not working is simply beyond me!! I'm literally melting here!
Boss man is still not here and I've to await his further orders before i start with my first assignment even! Man, I'm never gonna underestimate the alluring power of exaggeration and the art of impressing someone ever again!!